Career Options In The Army

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Career Options in the Army by Kris KoonarSome of the common categories of army jobs are as follows: Administrative support, which includes religious services, finance, information, personnel, etc. Arts & Media jobs which include graphic designers, journalists, musicians, broadcast technicians, and translators. Combat jobs including artillery, infantry, tank crew, etc. (combat MOS are closed to women). Computers & Technology, jobs including positions in computers, environmental health, intelligence, etc. Construction & engineering including electrical, and plumbing, etc., along with supervision and heavy equipment operation. Intelligence & combat support including intelligence analysts, topography specialists, translators, interpreters, etc.Legal & law enforcement MOS includes firefighters, military police, criminal investigators, etc. Mechanics ensure the smooth running of all army equipment from heating and cooling, to aircraft maintenance. Medical & emergency jobs cover responsibilities within the military health care field. And transportation & aviation jobs include air traffic controllers, parachute riggers, railway equipment and truck maintainers etc. There are also specialized categories like army bands, chaplain corps, army law (Judge Advocate General), reserve officers training corps, and Special Forces which are now open to civilians.Service Options:You have the option of choosing full time active duty, or a part time commitment through the army reserves while you continue your civilian career. You can become an enlisted soldier or an officer, based on your service experience, qualifications etc. Enlisted Soldiers have specific job skills while Warrant Officers are the ones with specific technical or tactical specialties, and Commissioned Officers are the leaders, managers and problem-solvers. Training:You can become a soldier after you have attended Basic Combat Training (BCT) and completed your Advanced Individual Training (AIT), to learn specific job skills. BCT is a nine-week program that transforms recruits into soldiers, with strength of body and mind. AIT is what equips soldiers with all they need to know to perform their job, through training and field instruction. After that, soldiers continue to take part in a variety of ongoing training opportunities like leadership training, unit training etc.How to Join the Army: You can find available jobs on the Internet and apply online, submitting the required information, and an army recruiter will contact you to determine if you qualify. The other option is to contact your nearest recruiting office. These have recruiters who will help you to join, and will tell you about the Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB). The ASVAB measures your knowledge and ability in ten different areas. It is a multiple-choice test that helps you to understand your strengths, and decide on the job (Military Operation Specialty), which is best for you. It is given in schools by Federal Government test administrators. You can contact your local recruiter for information about when and how it is conducted. After this, you will select your MOS, get a full physical exam, and be sworn in. Pay and Benefits:Every Soldier earns a salary, over and above which, there are allowances, bonuses, and educational benefits. Apart from Basic Pay/ Drill Pay, there is extra pay for those with special skills, extra responsibility or risk duties. The army also provides housing, meal and uniform allowances as well as bonuses. It also has a program of scholarships for college.Active Duty Military Specials. For more information go to or phone 1.800.488.7364. has training over 30,000 Heavy Equipment Operators.Article Source: