Colon Cleanse Regime: Insights From Autopsy Results And The Need For Colon Cleansing}

Colon Cleanse Regime: Insights from Autopsy Results and the Need for Colon Cleansing
Wendy Rogers
A doctor from Berlin, who is experienced in performing autopsies over many years, stated that in sixty per cent of all bodies he found significant issues with the contents of the colon, specifically worms and petrified faeces. Additionally, he said that in nearly all cases the walls of the intestines and colon were lined with hardened waste, making it clear that the colon had degenerated to a state where they were no longer able to perform properly. Progressive American physicians are rapidly awakening to the fact that accumulation of faecal matter is one of the most significant causes of disease.
Autopsies are revealing the true state of our health. One physician reveals the following:
“I have found a prototype of the cause of nearly all diseases of the human body, the foundation of premature old age and death. Surprising as it may seem, out of two hundred and eighty-four cases of autopsy, only twenty-eight colons were found to be free from hardened faeces and in a normal and healthy state. The majority were encrusted with hardened, rotten, rejected food material. Many colons were distended to twice their natural size.
He goes on to say that the space in the colons of these cases were restricted which was obstructing the normal flow of fecal matter.
So what has brought us to this point?
Today’s environment exposes us daily to literally hundreds of toxic substances. Toxins are in the air, the food we eat and in such things as skin care products, shampoos and soaps. Additionally, we now consume more sugars and processed foods than ever before and continue to be exposed to smoking and other toxic chemicals. These substances all lead to toxic buildup on the walls of the colon albeit sometimes over several years.
What can be done about this situation?
Firstly I suggest learning more about the situation and discussing it with your friends, family and general practitioner. Of course colon cleanse topics are not top of our list of conversation topics. The Vegetarian Times published the following in March 1998: Of all the polite topics of conversation, the state of one’s intestines is probably at the bottom of most people’s lists. Let’s face it: Irritable bowel syndrome, constipation, gas, diverticulitis and colon cancer are simply not things we like to discuss. And yet, as the old expression goes, death begins in the colon. Don’t believe it? Ask any coroner. Autopsies often reveal colons that are plugged up to 80 percent with waste material.
The first step is to aim for a healthier diet. However, it is extremely challenging to achieve an ideal diet these days; we can’t escape the environmental that inevitably find their way into our bodies. So, to restore your colon to healthy performance, you could consider a colon cleanse. Colon cleansing is carried out by one of 2 ways, hydrotherapy and supplementing your diet with colon cleansing capsules. Hydrotherapy uses water to flush out matter from the colon. A less invasive method is to supplement your diet with a colon cleanse capsule or tablet. See the links in thebottom of this article for suggestions on finding the best colon cleansers on the market today.
In addition to just cleaning out your system, a colon cleanse can help with allergies. Removing toxic waste from your colon relieves your immune system from constantly having to process toxins . Therefore your immune system can focus on other issues. Another benefit of a colon cleanse is weight loss. The majority of people who undertake a cleansing program report losing large amounts of excess weight. Others notice improvements in the appearance of their skin.
A healthy colon is important so please take care of yours with a regular colon cleanse. You will be healthier and have much more energy to enjoy life. See the links below for websites that review colon cleanse products and take advantage of the free offers.
Now you can get a
colon cleanse
free and follow it up with
. Some manufacturers are asking only for the cost of shipping and handling!
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Colon Cleanse Regime: Insights from Autopsy Results and the Need for Colon Cleansing