Exercising After Rhinoplasty}

- Here’s An Opinion On:
- Dr David Rosenberg
Submitted by: Rena Graham
Are you the fitness enthusiast who is also interested in improving the appearance of their nose? If so, then you are probably wondering how your exercise routine can be affected by the procedure. As with anyone who is running a generally active lifestyle, knowing when to get back into the usual grind of things is one of the major concerns that potential patients have.
So here we share to you the basic facts on exercising after a rhinoplasty to help you be aware of what to look forward to during the healing process.
The first question related to this matter that would often arise is how early can one exercise after the procedure. People who are fitness buff wouldn’t want to miss a session sweating it out, unfortunately you just can’t go back into your usual routine just like that. You need to do it one step at a time, also to avoid harming your nose that is still in the process of recuperating.
So when do you start exercising after a rhinoplasty?
Surgeons have their respective guidelines, but usually, you would need to take two weeks off to recover from a rhinoplasty procedure. Yes, you may begin to perform gradual exercise and increase your routine as much as you can tolerate. Give it at least 3 weeks before going back to your regular routine.
Physical limitations after nose surgery
Usually patients are allowed to return to school or sedentary work a week following the procedure. This is also around the time where the cast will be removed. Aesthetically most patients find it rather embarassing to come out in the public just yet as there will be some swelling and bruising which would take another week to subside.
For those with work that requires strenous activity you may also find this extra time beneficial as you would also need another week to avoid physicl activities like lifting bending over, or even going on frequent travels.
Avoid heavy sports
Do you know that it takes about six weeks for your nasal bones to heal after a nose surgery? The patients may resume moderate activities during the first week, and gradualy the intensity and duration of the exercise will increase. But do take note that strenous sports must be avoided for the entire duration of the healing period.
If you are one who likes to sweat it out playing sports, you might want to settle for lesser forms of exercise first. This may be far from your usual routine, but it helps your system to be ready.
Avoid highly strenous exercise routines
Are you into aerobics, zumba or the more adrenaline-pumping PX90? You might want to tone it down for the meantime to avoid injuring your nose and promote faster healing. A lot of surgeons allow patients to walk the day after surgery, as it is also important in preventing any blood clots from forming.
If you want, you can start with light exercises first, ones that don’t stress out the body and avoid putting particular focus on movements that affect the nose. Contact sports, or any type of bending and lifting should be avoided for at least 6 weeks.
What happens when you exercise to soon?
Exercising to soon after your rhinoplasty procedure can lead to bleeding tendencies and injuries. This can either prolong the healing period, hamper the healing process, or it could negatively affect the aesthetic result of the operation. So do give your nose enough time to heal itself. It may not be a quick process, but just a little more patience can certainly go a long way.
About the Author:
Esteem Cosmetic Studio
is one of the leading cosmetic surgery clinics in Australia with 7 doctors specialising in the full range of cosmetic procedures. Esteem provides specialist cosmetic services through each of our locations in Canberra, Brisbane and Sydney. For more information, please visit our website:
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