Manhood Pain And Urination: What Could It Be?}

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Manhood Pain and Urination: What Could It Be?
John Dugan
For most lucky souls, urination is more of a relief than anything else. But for some, manhood pain might pop up while urinating and that can easily ruin a guys day. Besides making him quite hesitant to heed the call of nature, a man might even start doing other things to avoid the pain, such as drinking less water, which can be tough on the body. Its important to figure out where the manhood pain is coming from in order to ensure the best possible member care and overall health and of course, to make that awful pain go away!
Where is the manhood pain coming from?
Sometimes manhood pain can be quite diffuse, meaning that it occurs all over the member and the surrounding area. Other times it can be quite sharp and targeted, such as coming from the tip of the male organ during urination. Here are a few of the most common reasons men might suffer from pain during urination.
1.Urinary tract infections. These infections of the urinary tract can cause pain anywhere in the member, but it might be especially severe right at the tip. These are very common infections that occur when bacteria somehow makes its way up the urethra. One of the most common signs of a urinary tract infection is the constant urge to urinate, even if only a few drops come out each time and even those few drops can cause a painful burning sensation. Antibiotics can take care of this within a matter of days.
2.Kidney stones. The pain of kidney stones often begins in the lower back, but it might suddenly present anywhere along the member and midsection. Kidney stones are especially painful when passing through the member and out the urethra; some of them are too big to pass, and that means they wind up blocking urine. Thats an emergency situation. The pain of kidney stones is usually enough to send a man to the doctor rather quickly. The good news is that a variety of treatment options are available.
3.Socially shared diseases. Some socially shared diseases cause serious manhood pain, including pain upon urination. The worst culprits are chlamydia, gonorrhea and herpes. Though there are often other signs, such as redness, bumps and discharge, in some cases its simply manhood pain that wont go away and either appears during urination or gets worse as a man tries to pass urine. The only way to know for sure what is going on is to visit a doctor and get tested.
4.Prostate issues. A man who suffers from prostate issues, especially an enlarged prostate, might also suffer from urination problems. The pain is usually diffuse, throughout the entire urinary tract, and can often lead to slow urination that makes the problem even worse. The good news is that there are many options for men with prostate problems, and most of them will result in a good outcome that ends the manhood pain and gets a guy back to a normal life.
A man can take steps to keep his member as healthy as possible, whether he has manhood pain during urination or not. One of those steps is using a high-quality male organ health crme (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) on a daily basis. A man should look for alpha lipoic acid, which helps fight against free radicals, as well as vitamin A, which is known for fighting infections. Shea butter and vitamin E can also help ease the member that has suffered pain or medical issues by keeping the skin smooth, supple and well-moisturized.
Visit for additional information on most common male organ health issues, tips on improving member sensitivity and what to do to maintain a healthy manhood. John Dugan is a professional writer who specializes in men’s health issues and is an ongoing contributing writer to numerous websites.
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