Gastric bypass surgery performed by remote control

Sunday, August 21, 2005 A robotic system at Stanford Medical Center was used to perform a laparoscopic gastric bypass surgery successfully with a theoretically similar rate of complications to that seen in standard operations. However, as there were only 10 people in the experimental group (and another 10 in the control group), this is not a statistically significant sample. If […]

Annie Awards for animation Sunday; Wikinews will be there

Thursday, February 8, 2007 Annie Awards promotional art, 2006. This Sunday, the International Animated Film Association (Association International du Film d’Animation) or ASIFA will hand out the Annie Awards in Glendale, California. As animation’s highest honor, the crowd is always a who’s who of direction, art design, character design, layout, visual effects, and voice artists. There are 23 award categories […]

UAE launches national authority for scientific research

Wednesday, March 19, 2008 The United Arab Emirates (UAE) has announced its first national authority for scientific research (NASR) to coordinate and fund scientific research in the country. The national authority for scientific research was announced on March 7 by Shaikh Nahyan bin Mubarak Al Nahyan, UAE minister for higher education and scientific research. NASR will begin with an annual […]

Victoria approves Delburn wind power farm in Australia

Friday, April 1, 2022 A wind turbine at the CSIRO Energy Centre.Image: Nick Pitsas. A proposal for a 33-turbine wind farm within a pine tree plantation near the Gippsland town of Delburn in Australia was approved by Victorian planning minister Richard Wynne on March 27, though first reported late on Tuesday. Plans for a battery energy storage system were put […]

Mumbai officials demolish 39K shanties; 200K homeless

December 25, 2004 Officials in Mumbai, India, demolished over 6,000 shanties today in a push to eradicate the capital city’s slums. In total, 39,000 shanties have been flattened, displacing over 200,000 people, in the city’s biggest-ever demolition drive, which began in early December. When complete, over 2 million people are expected to be displaced. After wiping out the least desirable […]

Early morning fire kills four New York group home residents

Sunday, March 22, 2009 Hamilton County, New York. Wells is located in this county. After an early morning fire began, four out of the nine people living at the Riverview Individual Residential Alternative group home located in Wells, New York were killed by the blaze. The Sunmount Developmental Disabilities Services Office, which supervises the home, told the media that the […]

Ontario Votes 2007: Interview with Family Coalition Party candidate Ray Scott, Algoma-Manitoulin

Tuesday, October 2, 2007 Ray Scott is running for the Family Coalition Party in the Ontario provincial election, in the Algoma-Manitoulin riding. Wikinews’ Nick Moreau interviewed him regarding his values, his experience, and his campaign. Stay tuned for further interviews; every candidate from every party is eligible, and will be contacted. Expect interviews from Liberals, Progressive Conservatives, New Democratic Party […]

More teenagers attracted to computer crime, say experts

Tuesday, October 28, 2008 Security experts warn more and more teenagers are now into hi-tech computer crime. Alarmingly large number of teenagers are found peddling credit card numbers, phishing kits and cracking tips in some Internet forums. The young offenders are very likely to get caught and prosecuted due to their inferior technical skills, claim experts. Swapping malicious programs, knowledge, […]

Nine dead after biker gang feud in Texas

Monday, May 18, 2015 Nine people are dead and eighteen injured after a shootout among alleged rival biker gangs broke out inside a sports bar in Texas yesterday. The violence erupted at Twin Peaks Sports Bar and Grill inside a shopping mall in Waco. The fight which included up to five biker gangs quickly escalated, resulting in a gunfire battle […]