Self Pleasuring At Work? Why Not?}

Here’s An Opinion On:
Submitted by: J Dugan
Its no secret that self-pleasuring is a significant component in the sensual lives of most men. While the subject can still be a bit taboo for many, theres no doubt that openness about self-gratifying has become more common in recent years. And since self-pleasuring can be part of a well-rounded manhood care regimen, theres even more reason to engage. However, self-pleasuring at work and in the office is frowned upon. But maybe it shouldnt be.
Many do it
Statistics and surveys about self-pleasuring are notoriously unreliable, but they do seem to indicate that self-pleasuring at work may be on the rise. One such survey (admittedly by a company that promotes a self-pleasuring aid) found that 40% of workers in New York self-stimulate while on the company clock.
Of course, as with so many things regarding sensual activity, a lot depends on how one defines terms. Does self-gratifying at work mean having EVER done this (even once), or does it mean doing so regularly? And if the latter, how is regularly defined? Clearly, there is some gray area here.
But regardless of the current level of activity, some doctors think it might be a good idea to bump it up.
An English newspaper recently interviewed several scientists to get their opinions on whether a self-pleasuring break is a good or a bad idea. While there could be downsides, on the whole they think more people should indulge in self-pleasuring while at work if they feel the need to.
Some psychologists recommended a self-pleasuring break when necessary because self-gratifying is a good way to relieve stress and tension and stress and tension are both common in the office and a detriment to productivity and employee contentment. In addition, self-pleasuring could be used as a form of self-reward, motivating a person to be more productive. In other words, a guy might force himself to get through that difficult project more effectively if he knew that afterward he could head to the mens room for some self-gratification.
It also would boredom for some workers, who would presumably return to their desks refreshed and ready to tackle something new.
Self-pleasuring has long been associated with reducing stress and anxiety. The physical activity itself helps to get the blood rushing, which can be beneficial. But the act of intense point also tends to release endorphins and hormones that lower cortisol, a stress-related hormone.
Its unlikely that many HR departments will revise their employee manuals to condone self-pleasuring at work, so those men who wish to indulge may want to keep these tips in mind.
Use the mens room. Some people who have their own private offices may be able to self-stimulate right at their desks (if they make sure they lock the door and there are no security cameras trained on them). But most guys need to hike it over to the bathroom instead.
Be discreet. Unless a man doesnt care who knows hes fondling himself, he should be as quiet as possible while having fun behind the stall doors.
Be considerate. If the mens room accommodates only one man at a time, dont plan on a marathon self-pleasuring session. A quickie may have to do.
Wash up. Be sure to wash the hands when done and to make sure no stray seed is in the area. Those who get very red-faced while self-gratifying may want to take a few minutes to let their color return to normal.
Self-pleasuring at work might be beneficial, but a guy needs to make sure his equipment is in proper health to make the experience enjoyable. Regular use of a top drawer male organ health crme (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) can help. Use one that includes a combination of potent moisturizers (Shea butter and vitamin E, for example) to keep the skin smooth and supple. The crme should also include acetyl L carnitine, because frequent self-pleasuring may affect manhood sensitivity and this ingredient helps protect against peripheral nerve damage.
About the Author: Visit
for more information about treating common male organ health problems, including soreness, redness and loss of male organ sensation. John Dugan is a professional writer who specializes in men’s health issues and is an ongoing contributing writer to numerous online web sites.
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