Things To Consider When Choosing A Flower Girl Basket}

Submitted by: Catherine J. Wright
Of the many wedding details that the bride-to-be has to give attention to before her big day, the flower girl basket is only one. For many, choosing a flower girl basket may be the easiest decision theyll make. For others, making a good selection may seem daunting because of the wide variety of designs available. For these, taking into consideration the future brides color scheme, as well as the flower girls age and size will make it less of a challenge to pick a perfect basket.
A flower girls basket should coordinate with either the brides dress, other accessories or color scheme. For instance, if the wedding dress is white, to have the other ceremony items, such as the ring bearer pillow and flower girl basket in white is the traditional choice. Or, the bride may want to match these items with the colors of her bridesmaids dresses. For example, if the ladies dresses are brown and pink, then the ring pillow and flower girl basket can be covered in brown fabric with pink ribbons or vice-versa. This is an excellent way to bring extra color to the occasion.
What about the baskets size? Here is where the flower girls age and size should be considered. How tall is she? A flower girl basket chosen for a three-year-old most likely will be too small for a ten-year-old. Baskets with shorter handles will be appropriate for two- to five-year-olds, whereas older and taller girls overall look will be balanced by flower girl baskets with longer handles.
How far of a distance will the flower girl have to walk scattering petals? The answer to this question can determine the depth of the basket shell need. For a relatively short distance, a basket of average depth, three to four inches will suffice. But for greater distances, a deeper flower girl basket of six inches or more will be needed to hold enough petals for the long aisle.
Flower girl baskets come in an endless number of shapes and styles. There are the fabric bag-types, square-shaped, round, straw, deep, shallow, ornate, plain, long-handled and short-handled varieties. There is no set rule about what form the flower girl basket should take. But, here again, for an appropriate choice, it will be helpful to think about what will match with the flower girls age. A younger girl in the age range of two to six years may be quite happy with the ruffles, curly bows and frilly lace of some flower girl basket styles. But most older girls will, no doubt, feel more comfortable with the less fussy, plainer styles that dont scream Little Girl!
Deciding on the right flower girl basket will be a hassle-free experience if the flower girls age and size, the bride-to-bes color scheme and the pathway the flower girl has to walk are kept in mind. The result will be the selection of a flower girl basket that will perfectly complement the wedding days little princessthe flower girl.
About the Author: Catherine J. Wright is the owner and writer for her online
custom bridal accessories shop
that offers
ring pillows,
flower girl baskets,
guest books, garters and more.
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